Do you need a new motorcycle helmet?
A commonly asked question that's thrown around is when to replace a motorcycle helmet, so we've pieced together three major signs that indicate you should upgrade the most important piece of safety equipment when on a bike.
1. It's been dropped or involved in an accident
If you've dropped your helmet or been involved in a heavy crash, it's time for a new lid. While sometimes it's more evident that you need a new helmet because of significant damage, there are still riders out there who think they can get away with continuing to use a slightly damaged helmet. However, while damage can sometimes look minimal on the outside, the internal construction and liners could be cracked or affected, ruling the helmet unsafe for use. If you're unsure, visit it us in-store with your helmet for one of our experienced staff to inspect it.

2. It's more than five years old
It's a general rule that you should replace your helmet every five years, no matter it's condition. Why?Helmets are made of materials which will deteriorate with time, heat and humidity. Plus, hair oils, body fluids and cosmetics also contribute to helmet degradation. Petroleum-based products present in cleaners, paints, fuels and other common materials may also degrade materials used in many helmets. Also keep in mind that updating your helmet will mean your investing in the latest in helmet technology, ultimately increasing safety and performance.
3. Foam/straps are deteriorating
If the foam or straps on your helmet are deteriorating, then this is a good indicator to replace your helmet. You can purchase foam replacements, however, they are designed to last the length of the helmet's life, so if you're foam padding needs refreshing, it's definitely a sign to look at options of upgrading it.